Virtual Quilt Market – May 2020
The show must go on.
Today I have the pleasure of presenting to you my next collection of fabric due for release in the US in February 2021, Australia in March 2021 and the rest of the world somewhere in between.
Life often throws us curve balls, several in fact and sometimes more than one at a time. For me there have been none bigger than the past 6 months.
I talk from my heart when I tell you that this collection was tough for me. It came at a time when I really was not motivated to do anything. A time of grieving, pain and a sense of loneliness.
Dedicated to Jim, my husband, my friend and the love of my life.
Often life’s journey can take us down a road that we least expect.
A road where we have no choices. Sometimes it’s exciting and sometimes it brings such sadness.
It’s on these paths that we need to reflect on the beauty that surrounds us and be grateful for our families and loved ones and draw strength from that.
This collection was designed while reflecting on so many beautiful things from my past in hope that it helps to heal a broken heart.
We all need to have Faith, I need to have hope that my heart will mend. But most of all I need to be grateful for the love that continues to surround me.

I am also really excited to share with you some of my new products and notions releasing soon
Sashiko Panel
My current collaboration collection with Gabrielle Neil is either in your local store or about to arrive and it’s gorgeous..

And that concludes my section of the virtual quilt market. Thank you for your patience and kind wishes. And thank you for taking this virtual tour with me.