Riley Blake ‘From Our House’ Sew Along
Hush Hush 4. What a beautiful collection of low volume prints.
Its always fun to create with new fabric and today it’s my turn to inspire you with my alternate block for the wonderful quilt “From Our House”.
For my 6″ block I have chosen a simple but striking English Paper Pieced Dresden flower. The background fabric is my Zest Appeal print from Riley Blake’s Hush Hush 4 collection which is perfect for adding a low volume pop of colour to any project. My Dresden pieces are cut from my new collection ‘Celebrate’ which releases November 2024. If you look closely you will notice I have created an illusion of using double the amount of fabrics simply by using my cheater ‘patchwork’ print – by cutting the shape over the join of 2 different prints, each Dresden now looks to be 2 separate fabrics! Fabric placement is everything with English Paper Piecing, so I encourage you to have some fun with fussy-cutting your fabrics and experiment with combining different colours and prints for a vibrant, scrappy look. Keep reading for instructions on how to make this block!

Requirements –
1 – 7″ piece of low volume background fabric (Zest Appeal, Hush Hush 4 by Riley Blake)
Assorted scraps of fabric for EPP (Celebrate by Sue Daley Designs for Riley Blake)
12 – 2″ Pointed Dresden Papers + 1 acrylic template by Sue Daley Designs (click here to buy pre-cut papers & template or download your own template here)
1 – 1 1/2″ Circle Paper + 1 acrylic template by Sue Daley Designs (click here to buy pre-cut papers & template or download your own template here)
Sue Daley Designs Glue Pen
Sue Daley Designs Applique Glue
Sue Daley Designs Milliners Needles Size 11
Wonderful Decobob thread
Construction –
Follow the EPP instructions here to make 1 centre circle and 12 Dresdens. Sew the Dresdens in 2 halves before joining them both together down the middle.

Take your background square, press in halves and quarters to find the centre. Press the Dresden block and remove the papers. Using the Sue Daley appliqué glue sparingly, glue baste the Dresden to the centre of the square.

Using your preferred method, appliqué down the edges of the Dresden flower. My favourite is needle-turn appliqué.
Press the centre circle and remove the paper. Using the Sue Daley appliqué glue sparingly, glue baste the Dresden to the centre of the Dresden block. Appliqué down the edges.

Press your block and trim back to 6 1/2″ ready to include in the ‘From our House’ quilt.
Rather than take you on a tour of my sewing room I would love to share some photos of my newly transformed garden with you.
It’s been a labour of love. Lots of hard work but so worth it.
Flowers and nature are what mostly inspire me for my fabric collections.
I hope you enjoy