Can I fit anything else in?

Of course I can. Except blogging had to take a back seat.

When it is time to spend with "THE CROWS" you wouldn't miss it for the world.

I recently spent the week in Melbourne where I was one of the Guest tutors for AQC.

We had a fabulous time meeting new friends, catching up with old ones and spending time with "The Quilted Crow girls" now that is an experience on it's own. Everyone should share that opportunity at least once in their lifetime.What a hoot. We laughed till we cried. (alot)

The Crows as they are commonly referred to or C1 and C2 had a beautiful stand with all of their fabulous wool designs and they decided this year to feature a few of my designs as well.

They had a copy of their new book which people could browse through and order. Go here to read all about it.

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The arrival.

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It was no mean feat getting all this stuff out of the hippy van.

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Now what do we do with it?

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Here I was handing them a gift. You would have thought by the trepidation of receiving it I might be handing them a snake. (Don't we all look attractive in our hi vis vests.)

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Well here is where the tears started. Tears of excitment. A bag full of little crows to use in the US in May at Spring market in Kansas City.

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Things are taking shape. Leonie with her trusty screw driver.

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A view from above. This is where I was teaching so I could keep my eye on them. Ha! (Just in case they decided to take flight)

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It wasn't till they turned most of the lights out that we decided to take finished photos. Never mind.

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How did they get all of that stuff into that van you may well ask?

With great difficulty I think. I will rephrase that. I KNOW!!!!

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Then we helped put it all back. C2 had to hold C1 so she wouldn't fall out the back.

Another CCM (Crow crying moment)

Sometimes you just need those weekends to bring you back to reality and have a bit of fun.

Thanks girls. You rock.

See you in Kansas.

By the way their official book launch will be at Spring market and they will be wired for sound. So stay tuned for that post.

Till next time





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