Another fabulous shop owner retreat weekend

The girls started arriving mid morning on Thursday from various places around Australia.

Each one of them found a gift box on the end of their beds from me.

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A lovely goody bag from Charlotte at Sewline in the sewing room.

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And a selection of fabrics from XLN Fabrics

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Thankyou to Charlotte, Vince and Alan for your generosity.

Lots of listening, lots of talking lots and lots of eating and drinking and also a little swimming.

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Leonie from The Quilted Crow was just a little excited with all of her gifts. In fact she was just like a kid in a lolly shop especially when we bought out the marshmallows.

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Tropical prawns with mango salad was on the menu.

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Vegetarian style without the prawns.

To finish off that meal there was a selection of goodies with chocolate dipping sauce.

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It all ended too quickly but the girls all went home rested but very inspired with lots of new samples and ideas.

You will see the new shops I have added to the side bar on the right this week under Specialist shops.

I will be running some more of these later in the year for the shop owners that missed out this time but in the mean time we are BACK running retreats for all patchworkers and quilters at Kindred Spirits B&B. If you have a group of ladies that might fancy a fabulous weekend away just contact us on

So it is back to the sewing room as I have deadlines to meet and they are creeping up on me.



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