The art of Chocolate making

While we were in Melbourne we spent some time with a friend who just happens to make fabulous belgian chocolates. YUMMO!!!!!

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Tempering the chocolate well, that is an art on it's own.

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What flavour ganash were we going to have.

We could have had absolutely anything but oh no the girls wanted to get creative.

Mint and Rosemary….. Yep straight from the garden ……What were they thinking??????

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Yep here it is Mint and Rosemary ganash????  Still not convinced.

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OMG!!! What a mess.

Time to clean up I think.

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OK so now we just have to get that Mint and Rosemary ganash????? into those beautiful Belgian chocolate moulds.

Done. Oh but we are not yet finished we have to add the bases now.

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So we created another big mess but just look at the finished chocolates decorated with some lustre dust.

Now we are ready for the taste test. So with a little trepidation we all popped one into our mouths and they were GOOD!!!!!! Different but good.

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We packaged them up to take home along with these that we also made.

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Were they well received at home you ask.  You betcha. Gone in a flash.

Have a great day




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